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Feedback Factors

If you get a chance to say a nice thing about someone, say it. There is so much happiness spread around that it actually makes you happier and motivates you.

In a team setting, be generous with positive feedback. Appreciate wherever possible. Remember to appreciate everyone involved.

When giving feedback, positive or negative, focus on a specific aspect - what they did, or the change that you saw - and the impact it had... a generic 'Good on you' or 'Great work' doesn't carry the same weight as a specific 'you did this and that led to that, which impacted us positively'.

Tailor your words and spend the time to analyze what you're saying and how you're saying - especially when you're giving negative feedback.

Consider the time, the place, the medium and the pace of communication.

Time - for positive feedback, almost immediately after the event has occurred. For negative feedback, probably in a day or two - giving the person enough time to realize and come clean, if they can...

Place - for positive feedback, publicly with those concerned. Negative, in private safe spaces.

Medium - Verbal communication trumps every other format. Avoid written forms - they tend to misrepresent your intentions.

Pace - for positive feedback, an enthusiastic pace conveys excitement and carries more feeling than a slow, thought-out pace. For negative feedback, the pace should always be slow - indicating a well thought-out, clearly articulated understanding from your end.

In the end, remember, your words might mean the world to someone - so be careful with them.

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